Abstract Expressionism is an artistic style characterized by techniques expressing emotions without figurative or literal representation. My Abstract Expressionist Photo Paintings apply abstract and expressionist techniques to photographic subjects printed on canvas with occasional use of figurative hallmarks (e.g. heart shapes, flags) or other metaphorical symbols inspired by the subject.
It looks so easy when you see my work, but every painting is a nail-biting out of control experiment. One out of ten don't make the cut and have to be redone because throwing paint is not science: it is something between play and performance with purpose. My goal is to imbue your image with vitality, emotion and the aesthetic you prefer to create a totally unique and elevated work of art that will make you feel something special forever.
The picture above shows much of the intricacy you see up close in my paintings. To me, it can feel like one of those deep space pictures enhanced by supercomputers showing the intricacy of the universe. It's something AI and printing cannot reproduce. But it's not rocket science either. If it interests you, I think you can do it too so don't hesitate to reach out and/or follow my content to keep learning and don't be afraid to try it! In the end, throwing paint is fun! And fun is good - that's why they call it fun! Watch A Painting Get Made